Thursday, October 4, 2007

What's For Breakfast?

While making my breakfast this morning as the sun was starting to come up, my Collie, Simba, started whining which means there is a deer close to the house. This little buck was eating breakfast at the birdfeeder right outside my dining room window (hence, the fuzzy was taken thru the screen and the window).

Our yard is a haven for deer and other critters and having the "herding" instinct inbred, Simba likes to patrol the top of the hill and "herd" the deer to the woods. He never follows them into the woods. In fact, they are so used to him that they will stand on the perimeter of our woods and nonchalantly continue to eat or frolick and ignore him. Too funny! We have "regulars" in our yard which we name including Long Tail ( a young buck) and Mama who gave birth to twins in our yard this year. At any given time day or night, we have deer sightings and if they are not visible, they are easily heard thru the deer paths in the woods. Last winter when a big snowstorm came in, we had 30 deer bed down in our yard.

I have been busy spinning a production order this week so there is not much done on my knitting endeavors. I guess the spinning is appropriate since it is National Spinning and Weaving Week. However I am anxious to start spinning up some of my fiber festival finds for some sweater knitting! I accumulated quite the stash of hand dyed roving from MI Sheep and Wool and from Midwest Folk Art andFiber Festival. If I leave it in plain sight, it looks at me with little puppy dog eyes begging to be spun into luscious yarn. So it is stashed away for now but I swear I keep hearing tiny voices saying, "Spin me. You know you want to. Think how great I will look in a sweater. Think how much fun you'll know you love my colors..." Enough already! There are things and deadlines I HAVE to get finished first. My resolve is faltering but I must move onward and make some progress. So back to spinning I go with daydreams of getting to my own spinning and knitting soon.

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