Monday, October 8, 2007

Self Imposed Stash Busting

The heat is on, not only outside right now (this is October, isn't it??) but also in my mind. I like challenges so I am going to challenge myself to a yarn diet from this day October 8th 2007 until March 16th, 2008. Why March 16th? I don't know...maybe because it's my birthday. "It's my birthday; I can buy yarn if I want to." Hmmm...sounds similar to a song. Haha. No I actually wanted the fall/ winter months to regroup and to work on what I have and that date popped into my head.

The only purchases allowed to be made are for completing existing projects and/or for gifts. Also, if there is a class that I REALLY want to learn something special, then I can purchase the items needed. Okay? Things are getting busy here and the weeks are flying by. Before I know it, the holidays will be here and there will be snow on the ground. I tend to go into "nesting" mode during the winter where I just want to stay in and hibernate. So, while hibernating this winter, I want to challenge myself to refocus on what I already have. I want to see how much progress I can make without adding more to the mix.

The same diet goes for spinning fiber. I have TONS. So I would like to see what I can do with what I have. So stay tuned for my frantic endeavors to reorganize and to get things done.

Added Note: The past few weeks I started an unintentional trend on my blog, Sunday Socks. In the interest of not being buried alive by my sock yarn stash, I would like to continue to show progress on my sock knitting with Sunday posts.

1 comment:

Sonya said...

I need to do the same thing. I put my stash on Ravelry and was a little shocked to see it all in one place. I do want to spend some of my indexing money in LeaAnn's shop because I haven't gotten much from her lately.