Doesn't he just look blissful knitting a swatch? Yes, I do have something new on the needles, something that will come in handy as this taste of cooler weather stays. You'll have to stay tuned to watch it grow and get the details. Although I am not a fast knitter and although I have many WIP's that I keep inching away on, I think this one will grow quickly. I'm looking forward to wearing it this fall.
I am also working on my Noro Rambling Rows afghan. I have about 18 more blocks to go and then the border. I hope to finish soon. I'm looking forward to snuggling under it! Seeing that it is almost the middle of September, (how in the heck did that happen?) I need to crank out a pair of socks for the Sock A Month. And then there is a wonderful sweater idea that was implanted in my brain when I went to my LYS today...mmm...I need to learn how not to sleep. Just imagine, getting all of my work done during the day and having 8 hours of peace and quiet to knit, spin and create at night with no interruptions. What a dreamer! In the meantime, be patient as I give you little teasers, I'm knitting as fast as I can. Progress pictures soon!
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