Looks like a fallen leaf, doesn't it? Since fall is quickly approaching, I need to get this finished.
I had a quilting friend named, Bev, who said she could never finish anything. We laughed and said she had FOF (Fear of Finishing). I know that I have ADD and Startitis when it comes to projects. I am like a kid in a candy store. I get so caught up in the excitement of new colors, new textures, new patterns, new techniques, that I always have umpteen projects going at once. I never worry about getting them finished. I love the process and I know that each will get finished in its own time.
This picture shows the state of the shawl when I unearthed it from a box in my new home. It was still on the needles. I finished the knitting this summer. Now all that remains is the darning in of ends and the blocking. Problem??? This is the first lace shawl that I've knitted and I've never blocked before.
So I am making the commitment right now to just jump in and block this baby sometime this week so that the finished photo can be posted on this blog for the official start of Autumn. Deal? Stay tuned.
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