It was an ordinary back to school day... drop my 3 year old off to 2 hour preschool and my 5 year old to half day kindergarten...go to the grocery store...and then hear the news...
...worrying about a husband who was stranded in Las Vegas for business for about a week when everything shut down after the attack...no planes, no rental cars, no bus, no train...nothing...
....hearing that Las Vegas was a suspected target after having my husband's first flight out being grounded in Arizona with US Federal Marshalls "escorting" unknown person off the plane...
...reading online how our kind Canadian neighbors were helping our people whose planes were grounded...and realizing that we are a small world...and love and kindess do exist...and we are much more alike in this world, as people, than we are different.
...holding my babies on my lap that evening while I watched our government, gathered on television in Washington DC, singing "God Bless America"...With tears streaming down my face, my 3 year old daughter reached up, touched me and said, "Don't cry, Mama...that's the most beautiful song I've ever heard. Will you teach it to me?"...and so I did right then and there and listened to countless renditions of it over the next few months as one delighted 3 year old sang "God Bless Our 'Merica".
...feeling for the first time in my life a STRONG feeling of patriotism as I hung the flag and burned candle vigils in the driveway at night...and my heart lightened knowing I was not alone when flags were EVERYWHERE...barns, silos, cars...it was breathtaking!
...hooking a rug when my 5 year old son was awed by all the flags and drew one of his own...where he drew outside the lines, I hooked outside the lines and I copied it exactly as he had drawn it...When he saw it finished, he said, "OhMama, you weren't supposed to put in the parts I couldn't do right" and I replied "Honey, that's the part I love the best." ... it was a great moment for remembering that no one is perfect, we might not always be able to do it right, but it is important to do things with all your heart.
Take a moment today to reflect, remember, and reach out to show others you care.
GOD BLESS AMERICA and the world...
1 comment:
Hi there. Thanks for your comment and question about my Kauni sweater. I'm going to rip it back and start over so that I can redo the bottom ribbing. After I knit about 8 inches I read the posts on the Kauni KAL and there are some better ways to cast-on and do the ribbing (I think something about a German cast-on?). I like folded over edging, so I may do that.
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