I found slightly over 5 oz of this hand dyed BFL in my stash that has been there for years! The bright Spring colors begged to be spun and knit.
My husband takes one look at wool rovings and calls them "sheep guts". Well, these sheep guts had a great time on the spinning wheel. Here is a single ply on the wheel.
For those nonspinners out there, it takes two of the above to ply together (twist in the opposite direction that it was originally spun), to make a two ply yarn like below. From the 5 oz of roving, I spun aproximately 470 yards of two ply yarn to make the skein below. The yarn was between a DK and a light worsted weight.
Then I tried several shawl patterns. I wanted to make a simple shawl that would show the effects of the yarn and make the most of the yardage. I decided to knit "La La's Simple Shawl" pattern from Ravelry on size 10 needles to make it lightweight and lacy. Here it is resting in one of my knitting baskets.
I knitted about 460 yards of the skein and made adjustments in the pattern to finish it with a nice edge due to the length left of my yarn. I was quite pleased with the results and will definately try this pattern again. The finished shawl is approximately 66" across by 31" in length. The shawl is lightweight and oh so soft and cozy! It is a surprise gift for a friend who wears a lot of pastels. Hope she likes it!
Well I'm back to my wool stash to see what else I can play with! Happy spinning and knitting!
Beautiful from Start to Finish. So wonderful to be able to do it all from Spin to Knit. Very special. I have the LaLa's Shawl as one I'm going to do.
Beautiful shawl. I will have to queue that pattern. Hope you are ready for the summer fun....
Thank you for your kind comments. I really enjoyed making this shawl. It is a pattern I believe that I will use again and again. I hope you enjoy knitting it too!
Just gorgeous. Thanks for sharing
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