DECEMBER ALREADY??? Mother Nature decided to start December with a winter storm watch from yesterday afternoon until this morning. It was 15 degrees Friday night and that was without the windchill factor. It had been a chilly week and a windy one. We got a good dusting of snow which then turned to freezing rain and later just rain. As you could tell from the picture I took of the driveway, with the reflections of the trees, it was wet this afternoon!
I'm behind in my knitting and spinning projects so I took advantage to cozy in last night and work on them. Sorry, no pictures, some are for Christmas. I'll show later. However when it warmed up above freezing today and was raining like crazy, I took advantage of the weather for something else...

YES, that's ice and yes, that is a daffodil bulb. I have been late in getting my bulbs in this year. It is not the first time I've planted after a light snow. However, it warmed up enough that the ground was saturated and soft. I had at least another 30 bulbs to plant out of 70 or so. So out I went with raincoat and trowel. In hopes that I can see this, next spring.

We moved here last December. In the spring, one of the things I missed the most was my daffodils. At our old house in WI, I scattered bulbs every year for about 6 years near the woods. I would stand outside and toss the bulbs in the air and wherever they landed, is where they were planted. Later on, I tossed tulip bulbs, grape hyacinths, snowdrops and crocus also. Each spring, after a grey long winter, I would be excited to see my own sunshine in the backyard.

So last spring, when I was flowerless, I purchased this yarn. It is a soft buttery yellow 70% baby alpaca, 30% silk laceweight. It is Alpaca With a Twist, Fino. Along with the yarn, I picked up Fiber Trends, "Spring Blossoms Shawl" by Eugen K. Beugler. I figured since I didn't have daffodils yet at my new home, I'd have to knit some! So when the grey winter days stretch out too long this year, I will be knitting my daffodils and awaiting the arrival of a little sunshine in the yard. I love surprises and hopefully some of the daffodil bulbs will survive deer and critters.

A daffodil story to share...many years ago, when my children were still tiny, my husband was out of the country on business during our birthdays. Our birthdays are two days apart and in the middle of March when it is still cold and dreary in WI. Anyway, one night, I had an unexpected knock on the door. I was alone with my little ones and it was after 9 pm so I was startled that anyone would be knocking. I went to the door and turned on the porchlight to find my mom standing there with a huge grin on her face and a bouquet of daffodils. She had picked the daffodils in her yard that morning and had driven all the way from Arkansas to Wisconsin (about 11 hours) to wish me Happy Birthday!! What a total surprise! I loved it and it will always be a great memory. I think of it every spring when I see daffodils. Thanks, MOM! I love you.
1 comment:
What a great mom! I love spring flowers too. They are always such a welcome sight after a long winter.
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