EGADS!! December 17th already?? Things have been quite hectic around here. This is always a crazy time of year in our household but this year seems like time is going WAY too quickly.
I have been scrambling to get some much needed production spinning done for
here. The latest batch was 2 lbs of wonderful cashmere/silk blend which will make some lucky soul a beautiful sweater! It is spun DK to light worsted weight. Sorry I didn't check specifics like WPI, etc. Note to self...must document more to share. Thanks
Jenny for teaching documenting is important and thanks to you readers for being patient with me. :-) I'm a WIP!

While trying to production spin and trying to knit a Christmas present, I have to admit I'm feeling a little of
Yarn Harlot's Christmas deadline insanity this year. Although I don't have the overwhelming knitting schedule she does, I am beginning to feel a little anxiety as the days tick away. Will I get everything done?? To add, my munchkins have been home from school a LOT in the past three weeks starting out with 2 half days for teachers' workshop and ice/fog then 2 full days for an ice storm last week and then again a full day today for a snowstorm. Mother Nature is laughing as she's tampering with my Christmas preparation time.
We seem to be stuck in a weather cycle lately with storms in the Midwest over the weekends. A week ago, we were graced with an ice storm. Luckily, A. and I were able to leave early for the weekend to go to Indianapolis for a much awaited Hannah Montana concert. We drove the 6 hours roundtrip in driving rain, sleet and ice but we made it! All the while I was worried about getting there, getting back and having less spinning time for my deadlines but do you know what?? It doesn't really matter because the look on my 9 year old daughter's face when Hannah came out singing A.'s favorite song was absolutely PRICELESS!! And of course, in our rush to "beat the storm", I hurriedly packed and forgot my camera. DUH! However, it was a fabulous time.

This is the view outside yesterday morning. We woke up to a foot of snow and it was still snowing and blowing until midafternoon. We were definately snowed in.

Just a view of the table and bench on the deck... Isn't it funny? We received about 14 inches total and school was cancelled for today. It was a nice day to be snowed in although an albeit exhausting one. My wonderful hubby, who is in denial about snowstorms, has yet to break down and buy a snowblower. After 7 hours of shovelling out our driveway, (mind you, we live in the country and it is about 400 winding feet downhill to the road) he exhausted as can be, proclaimed, "If I ever get out of here, I am buying a snowblower". Mother Nature won that battle! :-D However, he is my hero. I pooped out after 3 hours of shovelling and bed never felt so good last night!

This was our reward after all the shovelling. The sun finally came out...frosty blue sky and sparkling snow. It was absolutely beautiful!
Stay warm, cozy and safe all of you who are battling the winter weather! I will be travelling later this week so I wish you all the warmest of holiday seasons!