Noro Silk Garden #88 and Alpaca With a Twist worsted from my stash to start the Knit A Mile Challenge on
Stash Knit Down 2008. The purpose of the challenge is to knit a mile, 1760 yards, out of yarn from your stash from Jan 5th to Feb 19th. I've been a little late in starting. I have a few smaller projects picked. However, I decided to knit
Wendy Knit's Felted Kitty Bed. So I started this one Tues afternoon. This is the progress so far:

I love how the one strand of the Noro Silk Garden and one strand of the alpaca are knitting up together. I can't wait to see it finished. It should be soft and cuddly.
Why the urge to knit kitty bed(s)? Well, if you read my post, Animal Tales, you already know that I have two cats , Tigger and Jaguar, which were abandoned on the road as kittens. We found them just in time. They are great cats and deserve kitty beds. However, they are now just getting acquainted with their two new sisters:
Meet Olive. In my post, Animal Tales, you may have read how my daughter lost her best buddy, Shadow the hamster. Well to fix a broken heart, she needed a new buddy. So last Saturday, we found Olive at the Humane Society. She is a little over a year old, is 7 lbs of fluff. Poor Olive has been at the shelter since September. There is no other history on her. My daughter picked her out from a roomful of cats and said to me, "Mom, meet Olive." She said the name just popped into her head as soon as she looked into Olive's HUGE bright green eyes (which look like olives). Haha. Cute name so it stuck. Olive came home yesterday and is in kitty quarantine in the downstairs bathroom for three days while she is being treated for fleas and earmites. She is a wonderful, laid back, lovey cat who likes to chatter to you.
Meet Pinky. She just came home Tues night. A. had seen Pinky's picture posted on a pet store bulletin board and that was where we were headed when we stopped at the Humane Society. As soon as I held Pinky, it was love at first sight (or purr). She is a little lovey motorboat purr baby. She is a Blue Cream Torbie ( I'll have to look that up on the internet as I've never heard that term before). Anyway she is buff/cream colored with light grey and her belly is very light cream with grey dots. It looks like a snow leopard's. Very cute. She has the most beautiful amber eyes but when her pupils are dilated, her eyes look so dark compared to the rest of her.
Pinky was named by the animal rescue foster home. She is 5 months old and ended up in foster care 3 weeks ago. She was found living in a car with a woman and 7 cats. All except Pinky and another kitten were euthanized. How sad! Pinky fostered in a home with 5 dogs and several cats so eventhough she is TINY, she is not fazed at all by our 80 lb Collie, Simba. She takes all the animals in stride. In fact they are more cautious of her than the other way around. Jaguar, 14 lbs, thinks she's fun to watch. Tigger, 17 lbs and scared of his own shadow, chooses not to look at her when she is sniffing him. It's like "if I can't see her, she's not really there." Too funny!
We love the name Pinky. I have a friend, Judy, in WI who has a cat named Pinky and we always loved that cat and name. I apologize for not the greatest of pictures. Neither cat wanted to stay still; they are more interested in being petted.
So it looks like 4 kitty beds will find their way to my knitting needles!