Saturday, October 27, 2007
No Mystic Waters Here
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Finally! A Project to Do!!
FO: BOOtiful Socks :-D
Updates: Since I mentioned Socks on Sunday posts, have you noticed that it hasn't worked out that way? Oh well! Sometimes life gets in the way of our better plans. And although I don't have any socks on the needles right now....oooh the horrors! Don't worry; I have enough sock yarn to last centuries and I'll be starting a new pair soon!
Also re: Pumpkin Patch socks...they will be frogged and going to a knitting friend of mine who loves them and wants to make them for herself. I love it when things can go to a good home!
The socks that were my trick will be her treat. Such a deal! Happy knitting, everyone!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
FO: One Less Pair of Socks on the Needles!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
A Change of Scenery
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Spinning My Wheels
Back to the Pumpkin Patch or the Frog Pond
Have a good day!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Trick or Treat; Smell My Feet...
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Noro Scarves in Progress
I should be spinning, I should be socking, what I have been doing is scarfing. (not food, although the chocolate chip oatmeal cookies have been disappearing much too quickly :-) I was cruising Ravelry and I saw two scarves that I wanted to try. So on Monday, I grabbed three balls of Noro Silk Garden #244 and started the Multidirectional Diagonal Scarf by Karen Baumer. It is a quick and fun scarf to knit with all garter stitch and I am 2/3 finished just picking it up here and there this week. I'll post it when it is finished. Hopefully, I can get a better picture; it is really dreary today.
As if one scarf project were not enough, I became fascinated by this striped Noro scarf also found on Ravelry. A neat feature of Ravelry (if you haven't joined yet, you may want to get on the list), is that they have pictures of FO's or WIP's of certain patterns people are doing. So instead of doing a web search through a lot of blogs, you can pull up a file and see for example, 100's of color combinations for this scarf. I was fascinated by the play of the colors; it looked like so much fun! So I just had to cast on!
Last night (Friday), I gathered 4 balls of Noro Silk Garden: 2 of #86, and one each of #244 and #245 and started this scarf done in 1 x 1 ribbing. It is a surprise scarf because you don't know what color combinations are going to line up with each other. I am excited to see what happens which is a good thing because it will be finished faster that way! Haha. I'll share more pictures as it progresses. I can already see me trying at least another one of these in a different colorway, or two or three...heehee.
In the meantime, check out Ravelry or you can also see an explanation and a GOBSMACKING GORGEOUS!! example on this blog. Thank you so much Ravelry and Jared for the awesome inspiration! I'm off to knit!
Monday, October 8, 2007
Self Imposed Stash Busting
The only purchases allowed to be made are for completing existing projects and/or for gifts. Also, if there is a class that I REALLY want to learn something special, then I can purchase the items needed. Okay? Things are getting busy here and the weeks are flying by. Before I know it, the holidays will be here and there will be snow on the ground. I tend to go into "nesting" mode during the winter where I just want to stay in and hibernate. So, while hibernating this winter, I want to challenge myself to refocus on what I already have. I want to see how much progress I can make without adding more to the mix.
The same diet goes for spinning fiber. I have TONS. So I would like to see what I can do with what I have. So stay tuned for my frantic endeavors to reorganize and to get things done.
Added Note: The past few weeks I started an unintentional trend on my blog, Sunday Socks. In the interest of not being buried alive by my sock yarn stash, I would like to continue to show progress on my sock knitting with Sunday posts.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Sunday Already??? Socks Update and New Gadget
WOW!! This week went fast! It's Sunday again and the sun tea is brewing. It is near 90 in Norhteast IN and humid today; the normal high is low 70's for this time of year. So I am taking advantage of the sun tea weather for as long as I can!
Here is an update of the socks from last Sunday. The pattern is Mountain Color's Peaks and Valleys Socks and the yarn is their Bearfoot in Sapphire Trail colorway. This week's picture is more accurate of the colorway. The main color is navy with bits of red, green and orange interspersed. It's a great colorway for fall and winter and the yarn is so cozy!
I want to share a few interesting things about this particular pair of socks. My LYS had a class the past two Saturday mornings of knitting two socks at a time on one circular needle. Since I have never tried the "Magic Loop" method and I have never tried socks on anything other than double points, I thought I'd give it a whirl.
Well, let me tell you, you could hear the neurons "pinging" in my brain as they were growing! I really enjoyed the class. It was challenging to learn two socks at a time on one circular needle, in a patterned cuff and instep and with a dark colored yarn. I love challenges; bring it on! It was fascinating for me to see how to switch the stitches around to fit the sock in progress especially after the heel and picking up the gusset. It is amazing how Sarah Hauschka's mind works. How in the world did she come up with this Magic Loop idea? It's so totally twisted but cool! There is a book, The Magic Loop, which describes the process written by Sara Hauschka and Bev Galeskas published by Fiber Trends. Check your LYS and give it a try.
I decided that I would like to try a few more pairs of socks with this method to get it "implanted" in my brain. I don't know if it will be my method of choice for socks since I have a great rhythm established with double point needles. I'd like to see if I could get a rhthym going with this method. However, it is really fun to have a pair of socks completed at the same time! I am glad that I learned this method; I love learning new things.
There are two other things I learned during this class that I would like to share with you. First, I learned the Twisted German Cast On which is very stretchy and I would like to try this again on a few pairs of socks. If this is something you are interested in, an online search provides you with LOTS of information. Go for it! I also learned about a new gadget to fix my boo boo's. What boo boo's you ask? The ones when I am tired and knitting at night with dark yarn and too lazy to go get the Ott Light. The next morning, they kind of humble you by smacking you right in the face like DUH!! :-D Here was a nifty little gadget called the Seed Stitcher: (Heads up! Lea-ann might be changing the name.) However, you can check it out here and see how it works.